2024 is fully scheduled. 2025 Residency Application is now closed.
Contact | info@alexbrownfoundation.org
The Alex Brown Foundation and Residency is excited to announce its selection of the following artists to take residency at Mainframe Studios during 2021 and 2022:
Vamba Bility, Justin Sterling, David Craig, Emmy Thelander, Catherine Reinhart, Suzanne Wright, Alina Perez, Arel Pecker, & Christopher HO.
“We are delighted to have been able to recruit such a talented and diverse group of artists to kick off this program,” said Christopher Brown, co-founder of the Foundation. “We tailored the residency to take advantage of the unique resources available to us following Alex’s passing, with a hope of attracting the very finest talents to experience some of what Alex was able to accomplish after relocating to Iowa from New York and enrich the artistic life of the community in the process. We appreciate the interest of each of the artists, and the hard work and support of our board and selection committee, and of the team at Mainframe Studios.”Established with funds from the estate of the painter Alex Brown, who died in 2019, the residency aims to provide emerging and established artists of exceptional merit with an experience of the working conditions Brown found in Des Moines—the ability to make the work you want to make, free from the daily influence of being immersed in a major metropolitan scene but without the isolation of a rural residency, in an exceptional studio environment and a relaxed and pleasant living environment.
–Christopher Brown, co-founder of the Foundation.
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