2024 is fully scheduled. 2025 Residency Application is now closed.
Contact | info@alexbrownfoundation.org
“A piece of art acts as a portal, into some other place or time or idea. For me the process of making something is a journey from the known to the unknown. If I know what is on the other side of the doorway, why would I go on the journey in the first place? I use low tech means to travel to a high tech destination. The viewer takes the journey in their mind. What is on the other side? What is deep inside the darkness of space? Structures simulate and fuse with the body. This body is not always represented but elements of its framework resonate in the images. Function is removed from the architectures depicted and they are often reduced to orificial devices. Often my initial excitement when beginning a body of work, whether referencing the experience of Penthouse as a child and more recently my childhood fascination with space colonization becomes the investigated subject that is rooted in the comfort of the nostalgic. My recent work explores the slippage between imagined progress in the 70’s versus the reality of our present experience of the predicted and not yet realized future.”
– Suzanne Wright
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